It Seems Like Yesterday
John, Paul, George, and Ringo had a great time in Miami.
We’d all come from a freezing London and New York, and suddenly there was warm sunshine, the ocean, and beautiful girls in swimsuits wanting to meet The Beatles. A local businessman invited them to relax on his yacht. We were all staying at the Deauville Hotel right on the beach. It was an incredible change of scene for four guys from Liverpool, and for me, too.
The photograph of the Fab Four running on the beach is actually one I have never printed before… and I want it to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Beatles arriving in America on February 7, 1964, to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show in New York. And then on to Miami for their second appearance, which was televised live from Miami.
At the time, Beatlemania was just beginning to change the music scene and the way the fans, thought, dressed, lived… moving from Frank Sinatra to Elvis and on to the Beatles. Some say Taylor Swift is doing the same thing today—and yes, she is making an impact, yet no one has changed the world like the Beatles.
Here’s to the four guys from Liverpool whose journey to fame began with “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Thankfully it is still going strong.
The Beatles running on the beach in Miami in 1964, photographed by Harry Benson.