An Homage to the City that Never Sleeps
New York City has consistently demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of the most challenging times, including in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and, more recently, through the upheavals wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. This enduring strength can be attributed to the city’s abundant opportunities and the indomitable free spirit that is deeply engrained into its culture. In Assouline’s latest masterpiece, New York Chic, an introduction by seasoned editor Armand Limnander, coupled with captivating photography by Oliver Pilcher, guides readers on a visual journey through this extraordinary metropolis. Limnander, an immigrant hailing from Colombia who made his way to New York following his studies at the University of California, Berkeley, shares his personal encounters and intertwines them with the city’s profound history. The book also unveils photographs showcasing the city’s distinctive spaces and its eclectic inhabitants, all of which encapsulate the quintessence of New York’s character.
The southern half of Manhattan unfolds like a set of building blocks when viewed from the top of One Vanderbilt.
(Photos by Oliver Pilcher)
From the very moment Limnander arrived in New York, the blend of ideas, opportunities, and diverse cultures was an unmistakable reality. “I felt like everything was at my fingertips. Nightlife, galleries, museums, restaurants, and shops all awaited my discovery, and I couldn’t explore them fast enough,” he reflected. The city is a melting pot of neighborhoods, each with its own distinctive traits that attract a diverse array of residents. Chelsea is characterized by a vibrant gay nightlife, the family-oriented Upper East Side boasts Central Park and historic museums, Midtown teems with offices and suits, while the East Village plays host to bustling dive bars, attracting a young, hip crowd.
The Corner Deli in SoHo.
Even in the crowds—wherever that may be—Limnander observes a unique sense of anonymity. Through the city’s ever-changing culture and forward-thinking populace, individuals are afforded the liberty to be their authentic selves without intrusion. Throughout its history, New York has stood as a bastion of progressive ideals and social change. “Standing out, not fitting in, is the goal in New York. Outsiders are always in,” explained Limnander. The city’s activist spirit has also magnetized the creative industries, drawing in top talent across fields like art, writing, design, and culinary arts. Fashion designer Zaldy Goco, nightlife impresario Omar Hernandez, and artist José Parlá are just a handful of the creatives who invite readers into their homes and work spaces in New York Chic. The book masterfully immerses readers in the vivid, and sometimes paradoxical aesthetics that define this city of dreams and boundless potential. It’s not beauty or elegance, but the sum of these intricate facets that collectively bestows upon New York its unparalleled sense of chic. In the words of Limnander, “Paris is the capital of France. London, the capital of England. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and Beijing the capital of China. New York, on the other hand, is not the capital of the United States—but it is, unquestionably, the capital of the world. No other city, anywhere, can even come close to claiming that title. To understand exactly why that is can take a lifetime.”
Inside the home of Kathy Ryan and writer and editor Scott Thode.