Living Well is the Best Revenge

There is absolutely no designer who captures the English Country style more authentically than Jane Churchill. Nobody! And she comes by it organically. Jane is the former wife of Lord Charles Spencer Churchill, who was a cousin of Winston Churchill and grandson of Consuelo Vanderbilt Spencer Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough - a lofty pedigree, indeed. But it was her two aunts, Nancy Lancaster and Nancy Astor (often referred to as “the Two Nancys”), who Jane credits with significantly influencing her life as a woman, hostess and interior designer. Recalling her family upbringing, Jane says: “Spending my childhood at Clivenden House where my great aunt, Nancy Astor lived ... and school holidays at Haseley Court which was the home of my great aunt, Nancy Lancaster, exposed me to design and good taste. Both women were famous for their wonderful personalities, hosting and style and although their houses were quite grand, they felt completely lived in. Dogs and loose flower arrangements filled the houses as well as interesting people of all generations. They, of course above all, were amusing and never took themselves too seriously.”

Jane Churchill and Nancy Lancaster.

Mirador in Virginia

And living near the fabled family home, Mirador, near Charlottesville Virginia, her two aunts were comfortably infused with Southern hospitality. Mirador, an antebellum house filled with constant commotion and gaiety, was the place where family and friends gathered often. The “luxurious simplicity” - as they often referred to their  Virginia lifestyle - followed both women to England and helped define their iconic style as exceptional hostesses. “They just lived well,” Jane smiles as if she is immediately transported back to those memorable holidays. “They loved to entertain the family. It was their reason to live.”

Following in the tradition of her great aunts, Jane eventually opened up her own gift shop on Pimlico Road. Friends and locals admired her taste and style, and began asking her to decorate their own houses. “This was a magical time,” she shares, and it led to her own interior design business, eponymously named Jane Churchill Interiors, which is still going strong to this day. “I had the great fortune of designing the most wonderful homes around the world. From the United States to Europe and as far away as Russia,” she says, amusedly surprised by that commission. “You can ship anywhere in the world, you know and we made all the curtains in the UK. Design, however, has changed an awful lot since those years,” she continues. “At that time, there were a scant few resources; but now, we work with teams of experts, including architects and builders. And modern families are living much more differently than when I began my career.” Looking ahead, muses Jane: “Every time I start a project, I meet with the client and find out how they live. Not because I’m nosy,” she chuckles, “although I am quite fascinated by how people live. But now a days, families like to live with an open floor plan. Besides this “open trend,” Churchill adds with her signature enthusiasm: “my clients are asking for color more than ever before, and I love that.”

Jane Churchill

“What’s next?” I asked the ebullient designer. “Any plans to slow down?” “Why should I,” she giggles. “There are so many houses and people yet to meet and I love what I do. Otherwise, I’m not sure I’d know what I’d do with myself!” She remains delightfully curious and reassuring, and we can look forward to continued Jane Churchill Interiors projects well into the future.

A dining room designed by Jane Churchill. (Ed Shepherd Photography)

Don’t miss the latest podcast from Perfectly Palm Beach, featuring a conversation between Jayne Chase and Jane Churchill! Sneak peak below. For the full interview, click here.


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